Official program 2017

All the conferences, workshops, events in one document:
> Official programme

Simultaneous translation English/French/Japanese

Preliminary program subject to further modification

Tuesday September 13, 2017



8:45 am

introduction conference

Georges-Henri Florentin, Institut technologique FCBA, France
Pierre Lapointe, FPInnovations, Canada
Mitsumasa Midorikawa, Building Research Institute, Japan

Plenary 1

Influence of public policy on wood development in mid-rise and high-rise buildings

Amphitheater A

Moderator : Jeanne Baron, freelance journalist

Session president: Luc Charmasson, Comité Stratégique de Filière Forêt Bois, France



9:30 am

Introduction by the Session President
Luc Charmasson, Comité Stratégique de Filière Forêt Bois, France

Public Policy and High-rise Buildings in France

9:40 am

Public Policy in France
Emmanuel Acchiardi, Ministère la Transition écologique et solidaire Ministère de la Cohésion du Territoire Direction de l’Habitat, de l’Urbanisme et des Paysages, France

9:55 am

Public Policy and Wood Buildings in Japan

10:10 am

Promotion of wood in the urban planning of the City of Yokohama, « the Future Eco City”
Kenji Hosaka, Management of Housing and Construction Bureau of Yokohama city

10:25 am

Public Policy and High-rise Buildings in Canada

10:40 am

Public Policy in Canada
Robert Jones, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada

10:55 am
11:10 pm

Cofee break

11:45 am

Round Table
Luc Charmasson, Comité Stratégique de Filière Forêt Bois, France
Rémi Chabrillat, Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie, France
Petri Heino, ministère de l’Environnement, Finland
Jennifer Cover, Woodworks, United States
Susanne Rudenstam, Swedish Wood, Sweden

12:30 pm


Plenary 2

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Amphitheater A

Science and technology as innovation development and reliability factors for technical wood solutions

Moderator : Jeanne Baron, freelance journalist

Session president: Stefan Winter, Munich Technical University, Germany



2:20 pm

Introduction conference : Multi-disciplinary approach in the design and construction of tall wood buildings
Erol Karacabeyli, FPInnovations, Canada

2:40 pm
3:00 pm
3:20 pm

Question time

3:35 pm

Coffee break

4:05 pm

Project Origine, 13-Storey Mass Timber Building in Québec, Canada
André Huot and Simon Gallagher, Nordic Structures, Canada

4:25 pm

Creativity and inspiration: integration of wood in building design
Shinri Kishishita, Kishishita Workshop, Japan

4:45 pm

Hyperion Tower, Bordeaux

Jean-Paul Viguier, Jean-Paul Viguier et Associés, France
Jacques Bouillot, Eiffage Construction, France

5:05 pm

Question time

5:20 pm

Stefan Winter, Munich Technical University, Germany

19 h 30

Gala dinner at the Château Giscours

Plenary 3

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amphitheater A

Economic development potential for tall and mid-rise wood-building construction stakeholders

Moderator : Jeanne Baron, freelance journalist

Session president: Dominique Weber, ADIVbois, France



8:50 am

Introduction by the Session President
Dominique Weber, ADIVbois, France

9:00 am

Introduction Conference
Increments of change : from early Tall Wood Buildings to a global movement and Timber Online Education Program
Michael Green, Michael Green Architecture, Canada

9:20 am

A Urban Developer gets involved in the Wood Construction Industry
Jean-Baptiste Rey , EPA Marne-la-Vallée, France

9:40 am
10:00 am

Question time

10:10 pm

Coffee break

10:40 am

Trees : nature’s 3D printers
Steven Ware, Art and Build, Belgium

11:00 am

Us market update and perspective for tall wood projects
Jennifer Cover, WoodWorks, United States

11:20 am
11:40 am

The age of the forests
Kengo Kuma, Kengo Kuma & Associates, Japan

12:00 pm

Question time

12:20 pm



Thursday, September 14, 2017

Forest resources and wood products for mid-rise and high-rise buildings: experiences

The construction of high-rise buildings requires highly performant products manufactured from species demonstrating performance levels (namely mechanical properties) that are compatible with this type of use.

The objective of these meetings is to show how lumber processing companies meet these challenges, with regard to the qualification of wood and the manufacture of structural products (CLT, for example). Experience feedback will be provided on an international level so as to understand how the various manufacturers meet the expectations of the different markets and to share
the successes and even imagine the adaptation of certain models to other countries.

Moderator: Philippe Monchaux, Institut technologique FCBA, France

Session president: Cyril Le Picard, France Bois Forêt, France



2:00 pm

Introduction conference
Cyril Le Picard, France Bois Forêt, France

2:10 pm
2:40 pm
3:10 pm

Current situation of forestry and efforts to CLT in Japan
Koichiro Nakashima, Meiken Lamwood Corporation, Japan

3:40 pm

Coffee break

4:10 pm

Black Spruce Leading to New Heights
Simon Adnet et Florian Lagarde, les Chantiers Chibougamau, Canada

4:40 pm

Valorization of the local resource by the city of Yusuhara
Toshiharu Ikaga, Keio University, Japan

5:00 pm

100 public buildings in local wood, daring the Rural
Françoise Alriq, Fédération Nationale des Communes Forestières, France

5:20 pm

Evaluation of French oak in high performance glued laminated beams by allocation of thinning trees
Sébastien Roux, SAS Simonin Frères, France