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The Woodrise Meetings in Geneva

The first Woodrise Meetings will take place at the SICLI Pavilion in Geneva from January 30 to February 2, 2019.

During these 4 days, you will listen to conferences and round tables, participate in debates and make job-dating. Themes will focus on forest resources, wood energy, timber-construction, innovation and training, wood health and well-being.

This event will open the dialogue on energy and environmental issues, trades and skills, the development of new uses of wood and its derivatives, the development of new markets, processes and products.


Each day its own theme

Wednesday, January 30: The forest-wood sector as a whole
Thursday, January 31: Innovation and training: a material and professions with a future
Friday, February 1: Building the city of the future and its density with wood: Woodrise Meetings in collaboration with Wooden City
Saturday, February 2: Wood and well-being. Public day, festive and fun.


Detailed program, speakers and inscription on the Website

Published on 16 November 2018