
Canada / France / Switzerland / United States



Fire safety summary: Fire research conducted for the project on mid-rise wood construction (Report to research consortium for wood and wood-hybrid mid-rise buildings)
National Research Council Canada – 122 pages

This consortium research project produced a large amount of technical information and data in the areas of fire safety, acoustics and building envelope performance for use in mid-rise (and taller) wood buildings. The results of the acoustics and building envelope performance are summarized in separate reports [8, 9]. This report consolidates the results of fire research activities (thrusts 1-3) conducted under the project. These include investigation of the encapsulation approach to protect the combustible structural elements, development of wood-based generic exterior wall assemblies to limit exterior fire spread, and development of generic fire-resistant light-weight wood-frame wall assemblies for applications in lower stories of mid-rise wood buildings.

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Instructions and Explanatory Guide for Mass Timber Buildings of up to 12 Storeys
Directive et guide explicatif
Régie du bâtiment du Québec – 64 pages

guide-batiments-de-construction-massive-en-bois-dau-plus-12-etages-1-638This guide provides the information that designers of high-rise timber buildings need to design and prepare their plans and quotes. The guide is written in a way to provide designers with general information and concepts for the system chosen. The elements and details to meet the guidelines within must be incorporated starting with the project’s design stage.


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The Wood Charter
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs – 8 pages

Couv-Charte-Bois-QC“I am therefore delighted to present this new version of the Wood Charter. For each of the four major measures of the Charter, we have added concrete actions to encourage the timber construction industry which is making great strides in innovation. In taking these steps, the Government has reaffirmed its desire to ensure that wood is given the place it deserves in non-residential and multi-family construction. More than ever before, we hope wood construction will help reduce our environmental footprint, be a source of pride, and create wealth and stimulating jobs for Québec as a whole.”

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Technical Guide for the Design and Construction of Tall Wood Buildings in Canada
FPInnovations – 555 pages

Guide technique construction bois CanadaWood is once again a practical building material for tall buildings. With the use of advanced wood technologies and modern mass timber products such as glued-laminated timber, cross-laminated timber and structural composite lumber, building tall with wood is achievable.
The Technical Guide for the Design and Construction of Tall Wood Buildings in Canada has been prepared by a group of experts to assist architects, engineers, code consultants, developers, building owners, and authorities having jurisdiction in understanding the unique issues to be addressed when developing and constructing tall wood buildings that are beyond the height and area limits currently found in the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC).

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Le catalogue construction bois [The Timber Construction Catalogue]

cataloguerehabThe Timber Construction Catalogue describes timber construction solutions that can be used to build any type of new or refurbished building (offices, housing, public assembly buildings, etc.).

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Minutes of the Woodrise 2017 Forest Resources session
FCBA – 4 pages

Pages de fcbainfo-woodrise-ressources_forestieresAt the technical workshop entitled “Forest Resources And Wood Products For Mid-Rise And High-Rise Buildings: Experiences” chaired by Cyril Le Picard, Chairman of France Bois Forêt and led by Philippe Monchaux, Director of the Primary Processing Procurement cluster, FCBA, conference participants demonstrated the timber transformation industry’s technical capabilities and its ability to the meet the demand for high-added-value products reconstituted from very different forest tracts.


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User Guide for Eco-certified African Timber
Patrick Martin and Michel Vernay – 100 pages

Couverture-guide bois africains eco certifie2“African timber is generally recognised as an effective material: resistant, durable, aesthetic, etc., but consumers often do not know about the eco-certifi cations that implicate the foresters in terms of the economic, social and cultural growth of the producing country, the preservation of biodiversity and efforts to combat deforestation. The first part of the ‘User guide for eco-certified African timber in Europe’ presents technical information on the tropical timber material, highlighting its exceptional qualities, the stakes of eco-certification and environmental benefits. And in a second part, it provides details – in the form of technical sheets – on the types of structures for which the tropical timber has proven to be ideal and it offers a list of the species that enable them to be built. This guide is part of an effort to generate awareness among European consumers so that they can choose a species that matches the use, while keeping in mind the consequences on the future of tropical forests and the populations that depend on them.”

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Guide pratique : règles de la sécurité incendie : A l’usage du charpentier constructeur bois [Practical Guide: Rules of Fire Safety: For Use by Timber Construction Carpenters]
FCBA, CSTB et CODIFAB – 74 pages

GuideFeuFacadeThis document is intended to serve as a guide for professionals so that they can understand new construction and renovation sites that sometimes lack project management.
The proposed construction provisions for fire resistance concern residential buildings and public assembly buildings within the limits of the regulations that relate to each type of building. Mandatory regulatory requirements are included in the fire safety decrees for residential buildings and public assembly buildings.
The proposed construction provisions for fire resistance concern the 3rd and 4th group of residential and public assembly buildings within the limits of the regulations that relate to each type of building.

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Plateforme Eurocode 5


Ce site est mis gratuitement à la disposition de tous les acteurs de la filière de la construction bois.
Vous y trouverez des actualités, principalement sur le thème des Eurocodes, un forum pour vos échanges et une zone de téléchargement de documents (inscription nécessaire).

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Woodrise Paper
Hugo Christy, et al. – 44 pages

Pages de woodrise_paper_A3_FR_lowConçu sous le haut parrainage de la Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC), alliance lancée lors de la journée bâtiment de la COP21 et dont le secrétariat est assuré par UN Environnement, le Woodrise Paper croise les regards d’experts de toutes les disciplines à travers six pays volontaires : le Canada, la France, la Finlande, le Brésil, la Suisse et le Japon. Il s’adresse en première approche aux décideurs du monde entier pour porter à leur connaissance les différents retours d’expérience et les bonnes pratiques observées.
Le Paper propose un reportage inédit sur ces différentes pratiques, à travers des zooms thématiques qui donnent à voir des initiatives pertinentes, souvent commentées par ceux qui les ont réalisées ou observées. Des entretiens menés auprès d’experts et d’acteurs des six pays ont permis d’enrichir le Paper sur les avancées et les freins de la filière ainsi que sur les aspects environnementaux et la gestion durable des forêts.
Ce Paper est un manifeste pour la construction bois. Il est basé sur des faits et des chiffres vérifiés et documentés et constitue le premier travail de benchmark international sur les situations et initiatives autour de la construction bois. L’observation des politiques publiques en faveur du bois-construction permettra de mieux inspirer les politiques à venir, en particulier à l’échelle globale afin d’échanger les bonnes pratiques entre tous les pays engagés.

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Wood building façades
Midi-Pyrénées Bois and Arfobois – 80 pages

This work presents a range of outside paneling that you can find on a wood building: wood cladding as well as brick, steel or copper overlays to get an overview of the possibilities that general contractors have for their projects. Other key points such as the wood’s durability, treatment, appearance, aging, and water management are discussed. This guide allows each outside paneling designer to make the right choices in materials and anticipate the changes to the façade to fulfill the general contractor’s expectations over time.

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Wood solutions to meet your renovation needs

On this site, find out everything about your renovation objectives: how to renovate, raise, and insulate with wood.
There are also many example project studies.

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Timber Construction Catalogue – Multi-story Buildings
Lignum – 48 pages

This catalogue is a reference document on medium and high-rise timber construction in Switzerland. It was created in 2014 and updated in 2017.

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United States

Calculating The Fire Resistance Of Exposed Wood Members
American Wood Council – 66 pages

The superior fire performance of timbers can be attributed to the charring effect of wood. As wood members are exposed to fire, and the wood begins to burn, a char layer is formed. The char layer acts as an insulator and protects the core of the wood section. Thus, wood members can be designed so that a sufficient cross-section of wood remains to sustain the design loads for the required duration of fire exposure. A standard fire exposure is used to calculate the fire resistance. Revised in 2015 to include design provisions and fire test data for unprotected Structural Composite Lumber and unprotected Cross-Laminated Timber in accordance with the 2015 NDS

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Softwood Lumber Board Glulam Connection Fire Test (Summary Report)
ARUP – 114 pages

The Softwood Lumber Board, Arup, MyTiCon and DR Johnson have partnered to complete three full-scale fire tests for glulam beam to column connectors. The fire tests have been completed for « off-the-shelf” connectors for glulam beams, testing the connector to meet a minimum of a 1hr fire resistance rating (FRR).

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